Community Involvement

Soapbox Science Ottawa

From 2018 to 2022, I have had the pleasure of being the lead organizer for Soapbox Science Ottawa.

Soapbox Science is a non-profit initiative, designed to promote women in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM), and their research, through public engagement. The events provide an opportunity for the public to meet prominent women leaders in STEMM and become inspired by their success. Not only does this introduce the public to the fascinating research being conducted by these women leaders, but it opens a door for young people (specifically women) by showing them what they are capable of accomplishing. With Soapbox Science, everyone has the opportunity to enjoy, learn from, heckle, question, probe, interact with and be inspired by some of our leading scientists.

The 2022 Event

The third Ottawa event took place on September 24, 2022 from 1-4PM (ET). For more details, please check out the Soapbox Science Ottawa website: Scicomm | Soapbox Science Ottawa

The 2021 Event

Our 2021 event was held online on September 22 from 1-3pm EST and September 23 from 6-8pm EST. We had 125 registrations plus 6 high school classes who joined us to meet 16 outstanding scientists. Here they are!

To learn more about these women leaders in STEMM, please refer to our website.

The 2019 Event

Our 2019 event transformed the ByWard Market into an arena for public learning and scientific debate. This event had over 1200 people in attendance. For more information on our 2019 event and speakers, please check out the following link:

Unfortunately, our 2020 event was cancelled due to Covid-19, however, we will be holding an online event in September 2021. 

The 2021 event will be happening over two days: September 22nd from 1-3PM (EST) and September 23rd from 6-8PM (EST). I highly encourage checking it out!

Stay up to date with Soapbox Science Ottawa, follow us on Twitter


I’m also quite lucky to be surrounded by amazing women in STEM and STEM education on the Association de la francophonie à propos des femmes en sciences, technologies, ingénierie et mathématiques (AFFESTIM). Since 2020, I’ve been on their Board of Directors.

AFFESTIM is a non-profit organization that has been working since 2003 to bring together francophone individuals and organizations interested in promoting the participation, retention and advancement of women in STEM-related fields.

Education Graduate Students’ Association

The Education Graduate Students’ Association (EGSA) at the University of Ottawa aims to promote a community among graduate students at the Faculty of Education. I believe that students need to help each other gain the most of the graduate student experience. Thus, from 2018 to 2023, I was an active member of this association. I acted as:

  • co-chair of the association;
  • administrative officer;
  • physical resource officer;
  • the francophone representative on the Faculty Council;
  • a member of the student academic support grand committee;
  • a mentor for graduate students;
  • representatie for the francophone doctoral students;
  • the information technology officer; and
  • the communications officer.

The Association hosts a number of workshops for students. If you are interested in learning more about our projects, please select the button below.

Parité sciences

I am currently a contributor to the Parité sciences team. Parité sciences aims at “a better representation of female students in the fields of computer science, mathematics and physics. This is why we encourage the Quebec teaching community to encourage and support female students’ interest in science.”
